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Sprint Pci Wireless - Getting It Right
by: Martin Smith

Fairly recently Sprint PCS Wireless made headlines in USA Today for offering credit to its business customers for lulls in its nationwide network. Lulls are explained as dropped calls, fast busy signals and other minor problems. However unlike its competitors, Sprint PCS Wireless made a bold offering of a refund for such problems, and some are customers receiving up to 30% of their monthly Sprint cell phone bills.

Such dedication to customer service is at least part of what has driven Sprint PCS Wireless to the top of the charts where it has a strong hold as the number 4 cell phone carrier in the U.S. with around 20 million subscribers nationwide. One thing Sprint does have in common with other cell phone carriers is an interest in improving network design in order to be more accommodating to the most demanding consumers.

Sprint has a solid line of cell phones and cell phone calling plans which run the gamut in prices and offerings which help Sprint to achieve their goal. These plans range in price from $35.00 a month for a basic plan to a comprehensive 1-800 plan for under $100.00 a month. For instance Sprint’s Free and Clear Nationwide plan at $35.00 a month gives you 300 peak minutes and unlimited nights and weekends with nationwide coverage. The cost and strength of coverage varies in major cities. Sprint offers a family plan, Sprint PCS Free and Clear Nationwide 700, for about $128.00 a month. This plan gives 700 shared minutes and unlimited nights and weekends. It costs an additional $20.00 a month for each additional line.

One of Sprint’s most popular plans, Free and Clear (area wide), is perfect for those who rarely travel outside their calling area. The plan offers 1000 peak minutes and unlimited use on nights and weekends. If you travel outside of your calling area on a regular basis you may want to consider one of Sprint’s PCS Free and Clear nationwide 1000 plans, at about $80.00 a month. You can choose a plan with 1000 peak minutes and unlimited nights and weekends or 3000 any time minutes which includes nights and weekends.

Take a look at Sprint’s PM6625 top of the line Nokia phones. This is one of the most complete phones available anywhere. The PM6625 has all the bells and whistles including VGA camera, full customization capability and even has infrared Port. Second on the list is the Sanyo SCP-8100, which includes a camera, is easy to use, can be customized with Sprint ring tones and is small and light weight. Third on the list of phones offered by Sprint is the Handsprint Treo 600, a true cell phone/palm top combination. With a reliable speaker phone, built in camera, Palm OS and more, this phone is great but rather expensive.

Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice on purchasing a variety of Cell phone plans and more! His numerous articles are a resource of interesting and relevant information.

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